Monday, September 30, 2019

Greek religion and mythology Essay

In Greek religion and mythology, Pan (Ancient Greek: ÃŽ  Ã¡ ¾ ¶ÃŽ ½, PÄ n) is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.[1] His name originates within the Ancient Greek language, from the word paein (πΠ¬ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ½), meaning â€Å"to pasture.†[2] He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism.[3] In Roman religion and myth, Pan’s counterpart was Faunus, a nature god who was the father of Bona Dea, sometimes identified as Fauna. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Pan became a significant figure in the Romantic movement of western Europe, and also in the 20th-century Neopagan movement.[4] Origins In his earliest appearance in literature, Pindar’s Pythian Ode iii. 78, Pan is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or Cybele; Pindar refers to virgins worshipping Cybele and Pan near the poet’s house in Boeotia.[5] The parentage of Pan is unclear;[6] in some myths he is the son of Zeus, though generally he is the son of Hermes or Dionysus, with whom his mother is said to be a nymph, sometimes Dryope or, in Nonnus, Dionysiaca (14.92), Penelope of Mantineia in Arcadia. This nymph at some point in the tradition became conflated with Penelope, the wife of Odysseus. Pausanias 8.12.5 records the story that Penelope had in fact been unfaithful to her husband, who banished her to Mantineia upon his return. Other sources (Duris of Samos; the Vergilian commentator Servius) report that Penelope slept with all 108 suitors in Odysseus’ absence, and gave birth to Pan as a result.[7] This myth reflects the folk etymology that equates Pan’s name (ÃŽ  ÃŽ ¬ÃŽ ½) with the Greek word for â€Å"all† (Ï€á ¾ ¶ÃŽ ½).[8] It is more likely to be cognate with paein, â€Å"to pasture†, and to share an origin with the modern English word â€Å"pasture†. In 1924, Hermann Collitz suggested that Greek Pan and Indic Pushan might have a common Indo-European origin.[9] In the Mystery cults of the highly syncretic Hellenistic era[10] Pan is made cognate with Phanes/Protogonos, Zeus, Dionysus and Eros.[11] The Roman Faunus, a god of Indo-European origin, was equated with Pan. However, accounts of Pan’s genealogy are so varied that it must lie buried deep in mythic time. Like other nature spirits, Pan appears to be older than the Olympians, if it is true that he gave Artemis her hunting dogs and taught the secret of prophecy to Apollo. Pan might be multiplied as the Panes (Burkert 1985, III.3.2; Ruck and Staples 1994 p 132[12]) or the Paniskoi. Kerenyi (p. 174) notes from scholia that Aeschylus in Rhesus distinguished between two Pans, one the son of Zeus and twin of Arcas, and one a son of Cronus. â€Å"In the retinue of Dionysos, or in depictions of wild landscapes, there appeared not only a great Pan, but also little Pans, Paniskoi, who played the same part as the Satyrs†.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Case Study Product Innovation at Bank of America

BANKING STRATEGIES Case Study: Product Innovation at Bank of America By Cindy Murray What ? nancial institutions can learn from inventions and innovations in other industries. owhere is innovation more essential to survival than in the banking industry. In the payments domain, for example, nonbank competitors less constrained by bank regulations and therefore more agile are changing the banking industry’s grip on the public perception of banks as the only trusted brand for holding and moving money. However, innovation is challenging for banks. Many products, like payments, are a commodity.A vast number of products and a complex infrastructure require continual upgrades to keep apace with technology advancements and comply with evolving regulations and security requirements. This article describes how Bank of America fosters a culture of innovation. Pivotal to an innovative culture is the direct engagement of clients in the innovation process. We highlight some of the ways that Bank of America achieves this. But ? rst we’ll look at the role of innovation process in building brand loyalty. N Build Brand Equity Through Progressive Transformation Change can occur by rede? ning a problem or rede? ing a solution. According to Robert Sternberg, a leading creativity expert,1 creativity is the ability to rede? ne a problem. Innovation can be viewed as the ability to rede? ne a solution. Successful innovation is a process over time—one that typically happens in increments rather than leaps. Rarely is a single innovation a game changer. In banking, 90 percent of innovation focuses on core competencies (that is, business-as-usual innovation), seven percent on game-changing innovation MAY–JUNE 2009 within core competencies and only three percent on leaps that signi? cantly shift the client experience.Outside of banking, an evolutionary approach to innovation is also the rule, not the exception. Continual improvements throughout a product’s life cycle build brand equity. Take the case of Nabisco’s Oreo cookie, the bestselling cookie in the United States. In 1912, Nabisco came up with the idea of two chocolate disks with cream ? lling in between. Since then it has released Double Stuff cookies with more ? lling; fudge-covered Oreos; holiday cookies, including Halloween and Christmas cookies; bite-sized Oreos for children; and reduced-fat Oreos. Oreos illustrate two important aspects of product innovation.First, Nabisco stayed close to its customers. It understood how needs varied among consumers and changed over time. The company developed its product to meet the needs of a continually broader set of consumers. Second, the example illustrates an incremental approach to innovation that focuses on advancing core products. The iPod was at once the next step in an evolutionary process and also a creative leap. This product integrated a number of capabilities in a portable device, but it was not the ? rst MP3 player. However, the concept of iTunes was a new business model that changed the way consumers could store and listen to music.The iPod was transformative, too, because it aligned with changing consumer behavior re? ected in trends of mobility and customization. Technology enabled a tipping point. Consumers were ready to embrace a leap. Cindy Murray is Head of Product Innovation at Bank of America. Contact her at cindy. [email  protected] com. COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW 35 Banking Strategies way that stays close to customers’ evolving needs. For example, through ethnographic research, we discovered a common practice among consumers of rounding up when writing checks. We took the idea of rounding up and turned it on its head—rede? ing Innovation is a process over time—an evolutionary the problem by associating payments with savings. path. An incremental approach to innovation mirrors How can we foster increased saving? With Keep the the gradual way in which people chan ge. Consumer Change, each time a customer pays using a Bank of behavior tends to change gradually. Successful innovation is customer driven. It gets as America check card, the bank rounds the payment close as possible to the customer’s current process. to the nearest dollar and transfers the extra change A deep understanding of how customers operate to the customer’s savings account. oday—and why they do what they do—gives inNow, instead of check writers rounding up, the sight into how to improve the process; how to create bank does it for them—but in a way that builds their a step forward for the customer. savings. The solution also facilitates increased use of Further, by directly engaging customers in the indebit cards, thereby supporting retailers’ efforts to novation process, they become deeply committed discourage check payments. It was also a timely soluto, and invested in, a solution, which took advantage tion’s evolutionary p ath. f evolving consumer beThis makes innovation a havior toward increased primary differentiator, ancard usage. Change can occur by rede? ning a other way of creating value Ethnographic research problem or rede? ning a solution. for customers by enriching has also been key to improvtheir experience and reining our electronic banking forcing loyalty over time. platform, CashPro, over Staying close to the customer is one of the most importime. For example, we designed an enhancement based tant attributes of a successful innovation process. on a typical client work ? ow for handling exceptions.By closely watching how 15 companies were posting their receivables, we identi? ed a common practice of Get Close to the Customer placing a sticky note on invoices when they did not match payment. Staff would then fax an invoice to At Bank of America, customers play a key role at the salesperson to inquire about the discrepancy. We every stage of the product innovation process. There incorporate d an electronic sticky note with email capaare a number of ways in which we directly engage bility in CashPro, so that clients could maintain their our customers throughout product development. ork-? ow process in the online environment. We use a range of formal techniques for idea generation. Formal techniques focus on gaining deepened client insight and are important when Amplify the we have limited information about an opportunity Voice of the Customer and the related customer need. Formal idea mining typically requires expertise through our internal innovation group or external specialized vendors. CashPro is a great example both of innovating in Ethnographic research is an important tool for increments to improve a product over time and of engenerating innovation ideas.Observation provides gaging clients in an evolutionary innovation process. insight into customer behavior and needs. ReturnWith CashPro, we established a customer advisory ing to the Oreo example, the idea for a bite-sized board, which has been closely involved in the prodcookie began to germinate when Nabisco researchers uct’s development. With CashPro, the innovation watched young children grapple with dunking the process becomes part of the client experience, thereby full-sized cookie in smaller cups. increasing customer satisfaction.For example, with Ethnographic research helps Bank of America CashPro, clients prefer self-service for upgrades. understand how to advance our core products in a They are fully vested in the change process. Engage Clients in the Evolutionary Path 36 COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW MAY–JUNE 2009 Banking Strategies Our strategic client program, Treasury Exchange, At the other end of the spectrum, responsibility serves to amplify our voice of the customer research. for innovation can be centralized in a shared serClients are long-term program members in senior vice center.At Bank of America, we have dedicated treasury and/or ? nance roles within their o rganizastaff focused on game-changing innovations. At tions. They meet regularly—at frequencies varying the same time, our entire organization recognizes from once per quarter to yearly. The program enables the importance of ongoing process improvement participants to share insights on best practices and and enhancements. learn from each other, while helping us to better understand their challenges and needs. A detailed executive Work with Peers summary that identi? s key discussion themes helps pinpoint areas for deepening discussion and exploraTo maintain a competitive edge, banks increasingly tion. Conference calls exploring priority topics serve will look for ways to work with clients, technolas touch points between in-person meetings. ogy companies and other ? nancial institutions We also look to Treasury Exchange members to to combine strengths. For example, in May 2008, validate and ? esh out new product ideas and to Bank of America announced a partnership with provide validation at points in the product develWells Fargo called Pariter Solutions LLC.The opment cycle. Treasury 50-50 joint venture will Exchange members have operate the commercialsubmitted innovation ized ACH platform that ideas under the auspices will be leveraged by the An incremental approach to of the program. Customer two banks. The goal is to innovation mirrors the gradual way advisory boards and spegain economies of scale in which people change. cial client programs like and better position both Treasury Exchange augbanks to develop future ment our extensive voice products with a single of the customer research. nvestment in the underlying processing engine instead of duplicative investments. It’s a platform for growth and innovation. Cultivate a Culture of Innovation It’s important to be open to ideas from all sources. That’s part of cultivating a culture of innovation. At Bank of America, all associates are invited to collaborate in the innovation proce ss. For example, associates can submit their ideas online via IdeasZone, an internal intranet site. These ideas are funneled into the idea stream and receive equal attention within our innovation process.Collaborate with Technology Innovators In banking, technology is an enabler of innovation. Therefore, it’s important that banks collaborate with their technology providers. Bank of America’s collaboration with Microsoft is a great example of how we work with technology companies to develop innovative applications. Cash positioning and forecasting continue to be key client challenges. We spoke with clients to determine how they perform cash positioning and forecasting. Treasurers might use a treasury workstation, an Excel spreadsheet or a combination of tools.However, treasurers who rely on treasury workstations typically supplement their process with an Excel spreadsheet. Our research also con? rmed that many clients have dif? culty building a historical database of in formation for trend analysis to support forecasting. COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW Foster Employees There are different options for organizational structure to foster an innovative environment. At Google, it’s part of everyone’s job to innovate. There is a decentralized approach to innovation in which all employees are engaged and given incentives.It’s built into their objectives and re? ected in their salary increases and bonuses. MAY–JUNE 2009 37 Banking Strategies Bank of America worked with Microsoft to develop CashPro Accelerate. This tool accepts information feeds across all of a client’s bank accounts and automates the cash-positioning process. It also builds a historical database that clients can use for forecasting. Keep Moving Forward â€Å"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. †Ã¢â‚¬â€Thomas Edison With an inventor’s mind-set, the idea of failure is a fallacy.Some who know best ha ve even looked at failures as a continual path forward. Besides being the still-unrivaled record holder of 1,093 U. S. patents, Thomas Edison broadened the concept of the invention to what’s known today as â€Å"innovationinvention,† R & D and commercialization. 3 Innovative companies ? nd ways to leverage new insights to keep moving forward. The creation of 3M Post-it notes is a classic story of turning failure on its head and using creativity to rede? ne a problem. Spencer Silver was working on developing a strong adhesive but invented a weak one instead.Silver’s colleague Arthur Fry came up with a novel application for the weak adhesive, which became the basis for Post-it notes—a new vehicle for communication—which Bank of America used in its CashPro innovation. Sometimes the leap is in how we look at things. Build a Brain Trust In a September 2008 issue of H ARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, Ed Catmull, cofounder of Pixar and the president of Pixar and D isney Animation Studios, talked about how Pixar fosters collective creativity. One of Pixar ’s core operating principles is that, â€Å"We must stay close to innovations happening in the academic community. 2 It’s part of the company’s effort to eliminate boundaries between different disciplines. Earlier this year, Bank of America and MIT’s Media Laboratory announced the creation of the Center for Future Banking. Over the next ? ve years, Bank of America will contribute $3 million to $5 million annually. The center is a prototype for how business and academia can work together to invent the future of an entire industry. It will bring together researchers with radically different perspectives, including behavioral economists, social scientists, computer scientists, psychologists, designers and others.The goal is to trigger unexpected new ideas that lead to innovation leaps in banking. Test, Learn, Evolve This inventor mentality is at the heart of our test and-learn environment, in which we deploy an initial solution design to get ? rsthand feedback from clients on its usability and value. At this stage, the intent is to address any issues or opportunities in the next iteration of the design. The process enables us to evolve our product design before we get to the pilot stage. As an iterative process, the test-andlearn environment is a microcosm of the broader innovation process focused at a certain point in the development process.The Intelligent Cash Manager, a new end-to-end Bank of America solution, gives a live example of the test-and-learn approach. The solution concept germinated in a series of Treasury Exchange meetings, where clients identi? ed cash handling and deposit as a major pain point. It’s an ATM-like machine that counts cash, accepts it for deposit and provides safekeeping. An issue related to jamming surfaced in the test-and-learn environment, which will inform a solution redesign. MAY–JUNE 2009 Choose Winning Concepts Vetting ideas and building a business case are key steps in the innovation process.Bank of America uses a scoring technique as part of our process for vetting ideas. Scoring criteria include whether a concept matches to plan objectives, whether it has wide applicability, its level of innovativeness and complexity and the potential magnitude of its impact. At Bank of America, for example, out of 919 ideas received this year, 10 have been submitted for funding in 2009. Building a business case is a key step. An effective business case must describe the opportunity and its alignment with strategy and also describes the target client and market within the context of the competitive landscape.Finally, it outlines the proposed approach, the risk and the ? nancial opportunity. 38 COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW Banking Strategies Storyboarding is a creative technique used in the early stage of ? lmmaking. Storyboarding can help speed time-to-market. By not building the entire p roduct—but rather using storyboards and prototypes in a test-and-learn environment—we retain ? exibility even as we move further into the product-development process. Flexibility enables us to prioritize the most important features and integrate feedback and new insights from customers.It helps us to make smart choices with our investment dollars as products take more tangible form. The Next Leap in the Innovation Process The ability to synthesize information into insights will be an increasingly important part of creating a valuable client experience—not only banks connecting to customers—but of customers connecting to each other for insight. Incubation and the cross-fertilization of ideas are important to the creative process. Bank of America is integrating online networking into its innovation process. For example, we are connecting participants in the Treasury Exchange program to an online forum.Our long-term vision is to link our various Treasury Exc hange client groups—which are based on industry, function and geography—into a clientcentric global collaborative network. We also plan to introduce online ideation as a way to collaborate with Treasury Exchange participants on innovation. More broadly, the idea of integrating social networking into the bank’s innovation process holds tremendous promise. With our consumer base of 59 million households, social networking can be a powerful tool for engaging customers ? rsthand in product development. hen the next step integrates multiple aspects to transform the end-to-end client experience. To cite an earlier example, the iPod integrates communication speed, mobility and storage capacity. All of these come together, along with consumer readiness for change and the introduction of the iTunes business model. Within the banking realm, clients increasingly want banking solutions to integrate into their flow—whether flow constitutes, for example, a mobile consu mer or the workflow related to a treasurer’s broader financial processes.The need to integrate payments in the broader customer experience will involve mobile technology in some form and the analysis of information to provide insight. For corporate customers, banks are already delivering time-sensitive information to personal digital assistants (PDAs) and cell phones. Information analysis and synthesis could help treasurers to improve broader ? nancial processes (for example, accounts payable or receivable), help optimize working capital and minimize cost and use payment information to deepen insight into customer behavior.We are already seeing merchants, for example, use consumer payment information to tailor coupons to a customer ’s buying preferences. Banks can deliver robust information to consumers, for example, to help them weigh product features and engage in ? nancial planning to evaluate a purchase within a desired spending budget. Perhaps, ultimately, clients will want to take their bank accounts with them, storing virtual money inside their mobile phones. Banks have an opportunity to reassert their unique role as the trusted brand in storing and moving money.Innovation will be critical to our success. What Might Be the Next Leap in Banking? Successful innovation continuously improves aspects of the customer’s experience. Leaps occur Endnotes 1 2 3 Professor at Tufts University; research focuses on creativity. How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity, HARVARD BUS. REV. , Sept. 2008, at 71. The Edison Papers, http://edison. rutgers. edu/biogrphy. htm. MAY–JUNE 2009 COMMERCIAL LENDING REVIEW 39 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Safety - Essay Example ucating people regarding safety precautions and providing them with information and knowledge, ergonomics is a more hands-on practice in which professionals are required to use their skills to design an effective system to prevent high levels of risk for employees (Zacharatos, Julian, & Iverson, p. 91). I would prefer to work for the mining industry as I feel that this industry has more need for designing safety practices as the workers of this industry are succumbed to high levels of risk. Hence, practicing ergonomics for this industry would be highly effective and applicable. Q2. The presentation â€Å"Goal Setting for Young Professionals† has several important points that can be of significance when planning a career. One of the most important points that grasped my attention was the differentiation between a career and just a job. Hence, the presentation emphasized that a person should choose their career path wisely, and he should not just consider it a job, but should consider it a progressive stage of life that a person needs to excel in. Q3. Developing passion and purpose in your career is a vital component to success. In order to develop passion and purpose in your career, it is highly important to be interested in the field you work in and have vigor to continue working in that field permanently. Moreover, it is also highly essential to have a dream or set goals that you want to achieve which work as fuel for your passion and set out your purpose in your career (Salvandy, p. 88). Without setting appropriate goals and defining a career path, it is difficult for a person to have passion and purpose in their career as they are usually aiming for mediocrity. Moreover, without a specific purpose in your career, any path you are on is likely to be considered the right one. Choosing career paths that interest you or offer opportunities for growth, enhancement of skills, and learning opportunities are likely to be those in which you can develop passion and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social work and human services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social work and human services - Essay Example Critical reflection is where attention is paid to not only one aspect but one looks at the whole picture of feeling, thinking, acting and believing. In reflection, one looks at only one aspect and focuses on it fully such as the perspective of the knowledge. This leads to an in depth analysis of the area of focus and shapes this knowledge. Reflexive on the other hand is the whole process of researching the area of reflection and influencing it. During the reflexive research, questions about the knowledge are raised, examination of the consequences understood and this is almost similar to looking and understanding the whole picture as is the case with critical reflection (McMahon, 2002). In all the three aspects of reflection, the important thing to remember is to be objective when carrying out the processes. I learnt a whole lot more about values in this lecture that they are not only about the standards of behaviour which I have always known but they involve the beliefs that people may be holding valuable and they can be changed. The perfect example which I got a chance to learn is about the Australians and their values, how intrinsic there are to their own culture and needs and hence making them different from the values of for example the Americans (Dalton, et al, 1996). When dealing with values, it is important to understand how they relate to positive changes, how they influence the quality of services, the environment, the choice an individual should make their privacy or even their diversity with others. All these core values are tied up with the ethical practice and make the individual hold better choices. It is important to always ensure social justice, upholding of professional integrity as well as respecting other people in addition to upholding the other code of ethics in place (Garton, 1994). Learning about ethics has made me realize that ethics is not simply about the ethical theories alone but is tied down with the values mentioned

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Power is more important than culture in determining I whether human Essay

Power is more important than culture in determining I whether human rights norms should are upheld or not - Essay Example Social status, morals, merits, religion cast, creed, race are immaterial in this case. Such rights are not static and keep on changing depending upon changing human needs. The interest shown by the United Nations, to protect the human rights reflects the rising alarm of the entire world to deliver freedom to each and every human being. Treaty like the United Nations Charter serves two main objectives i.e. it serves as an international standard which can be referred to by any nation to examine its own journey, its achievements, lacunae, standards and values; next, it gives inspiration to the countries to frame and implement policies protecting human rights in order to match the standard of the universal effort. However, it is to be noted that since the concept of protection of human rights is made with individualistic mindset a thorough investigation is needed as to where the treaty is leading us to. (Shimray, 2013, p. 72-73) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has come a long way in the last 60 years. Despite its history of failures and the relative incremental successes the work of the UDHR in sync with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, suggests a bright future for the human rights system. Now after 60 years, the main challenge is effective implementation and scrutiny of such laws in as many areas as possible. However, the major gain has been the manifestation of the idea that human rights cannot be done away with to upheld State sovereignty. However major lacunae still exist in the regime and one of which is the lack of a successful system to guarantee the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples. (Castellino, 2010, p.393-394) If one delves into the past, it will found that in the 1600s, the concept of state sovereignty was so rigid that it even gave a nation to kill its own people or to displace large groups of people by force and that no other nation was supposed to interfere with that. However, after the second world war

Impearialism, colonialism. and globalization on how they affect the Essay

Impearialism, colonialism. and globalization on how they affect the middle east - Essay Example On the other hand, the democratization system has become a problem due to the influence of globalization. This is due to the clash of interest between the western industrialized nations and the state aboriginal affair (Alkadry 739). In the recent occurrences, most of the developed and decolonized have been caught up in the matrix of struggle for liberation and self-determination. Likewise, the countries of Middle East are furthering democracy and at the same time struggling to get self-determination in a postcolonial globalization context (Alkadry 739). Most of the countries in Middle East achieved their independence half a century ago. However, no single country in the region has a full-fledged democratic government. This is also evident in the wave of revolutions currently taking place in the region. Only few countries in the region that have made stride towards installing democratic institutions. These countries include Lebanon, Turkey, and Kuwait (Alkadry 740). The issue of self- determination is guided by two principles. They include national independence and freedom. In the Middle East, this has not been possible due to the threat of imperialism. This makes it difficult for the nations to move from a moment of national sovereignty and anti-social resistance to a moment of freedom and democratic governance (Alkadry 740). ... Algeria is one of the countries where imperialism was evident during the colonial period. It congest began in 1830. This occurred after French deployed powerful army in the region. The heavy military presence led to death of many Algerians. This helped France to acquire land in Algeria. This was followed by massive migration on settlers into Algeria to farm in the Algeria coastal plains (Women in World History 1). Most of the Algerians were employed in these farms as laborers. Moreover, France exercised control of public finances such as public works, education, and armed forces and security (Women in World History 1). However, there was armed resistance to the French rule based on tribes. The French armies in harsh means effectively subdued the rebellion. On the other hand, the colonial power was given voting power to elect representatives to the French legislature. Consequently, the colonial power possessed immense power and this helped in gaining enormous wealth. Additionally, mos t of the properties owned by the locals were confiscated both communal and private. In the year that followed, France exercised political, economic, and social dominance over Algeria and its inhabitants (Women in World History 1). This shows that imperialism helped France to develop their own ambitions and influenced wider developments. Imperialism affected countries in different ways. Imperialism helped in reviving the transport sector. This occurred as the colonizing country built roads and railways. This was meant to enhance easy movement for acquisition of raw materials. Moreover, there is an introduction of new technology, education, and improved health care (Hodgepodge 1). On the other hand, imperialism leads to negative effects. First, there was a lack of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Market planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Market planning - Essay Example For our marketing, we will adopt an Integrated Marketing Communication where all types of marketing tools that is sales promotions, advertisements, direct marketing, below the line activities as well as internet marketing are all synchronized so that there lies no conflict amongst any of them and consumers get the right image in their minds of a purely hygienic and light weight chips. Tyrrell’s Company is re-introducing its CREX light and crispy chips which are not only delicious but available at cheap rates. The company aims not only to increase sales but to enhance customer equity. Our move is to increase recognition especially amongst teenage population of United Kingdom. We also aim to improve our brand image by showing other that in our attempt to sell low fat goods we are showing our environmental friendly and caring attitude towards the people who can fall a prey to obesity. We as a â€Å"TYRELL CHIPS COMPANY† are ambitious to provide our customers the best quality of food at an affordable price. We believe in long term buyer-customer relationship and continue to adapt ourselves to the changing customers needs. Marketing Objectives should have three characteristics of being specific, measurable and should be achievable.(Small Business notes,2009) We plan to increase sales of our low calorie baked potato chips â€Å"Crex† to the teenage group in United Kingdom. With this regard we seek to remind consumers of our product by conveying to them our Unique Selling Proposition and as a result expect sales to increase by 10% in 9 months. Majority of various food manufacturers are in a struggle to produce low calorie products as pressurized by the UK government which stresses on to reduce obesity amongst children.(Red Orbit 2007) .A 10.6% share is held by the bakery products segment in which low-fat potato crisps have a lead. Hence, most of the companies use corn and rice based products to increase dietary element and reduce any chance of gaining

Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Personal Statement Example Moreover, I have a willingness to develop my English speaking skills, which will certainly make my interaction with people overseas better. Ever since I was a young kid, I have always wanted to go abroad and roam around the world. Although I did my primary schooling from Turkey, I felt uneasy being in only one place and wanted to travel to different places and meet different kinds of people. Moving to the United Kingdom was a wonderful experience and it gave me great joy to meet people from a different culture. My experience throughout this time earned me many skills and I discovered a lot about my abilities. First of all, when I was on the basketball team at my school, I learnt to perform very well under pressure in order to get the best result. This happened especially during those times when there were only a few minutes left for the end of the game and we still had to score another point to win. Most importantly, I have learnt to accept my failures and be critical with myself by trying to find out the areas where I failed to perform well and perfecting those areas before the next game. I believe that such determination will make me a very good business manager, as carrying on with enthusiasm after losing a deal is a very important skill for business men to have. Another experience at my high school made me gain essential skills required by professionals in business management. ... Furthermore, I gained the ability to successfully work and get along with a diverse range of people. In addition, I learnt how to take quick decisions whenever an emergency related to the technical service or a fight between two individuals occurred. I believe that such skills are extremely important in the business profession because a business manager should know how to change the tone of his proposition depending on the mood of the client. Moreover, I believe that once you get along with a client, you are already halfway to scoring the deal. On the other hand, this experience taught me how important communication skills are in the profession of being an international business manager. Although I have developed extremely good interpersonal skills, I want to further develop my English speaking skills. I understand how important it is for an international business manager to be extremely fluent in English, especially during interactions with clients in different countries. This is th e reason why I have taken English as one of the subjects for the Business Foundation course which I am currently studying at CATS College. Other than English, I have taken Business Studies, Accounting and Math as all of these subjects are equally important for my future as an international business manager. Solving math problems has taught me perseverance which is a critical trait that will help me work towards my goals with a calm and clear head. Accounting has of course developed my practical skills, whereas Business Studies has increased my knowledge about the way things go about in the business profession. I highly believe that I am the perfect candidate for the International Business Trade/Management course offered by your university. I enjoy traveling to different places and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Letter of complaint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter of complaint - Essay Example However, our bungalow was a five-minute walk from the beach and located between a car park and a disco that was open every night until 3 a.m. When we requested a change of bungalow, Mr Kitching was offhand and unwilling to try to find a solution. These problems detracted significantly from our enjoyment of the holiday as it was necessary to spend the first day having the room put into a habitable condition, while for the rest of our stay we had very little sleep at night. I would appreciate it if you look into this soon as possible with a view to refunding my money in full. When we arrived, the accommodation had not been cleaned, the air conditioning was not working and there was no running water in the bathroom. (3) Although, these problems were immediately pointed out to your representative, Mr Kitching, it took nearly a day to restore the running water supply and it was another three days before the air conditioning was repaired. Secondly, your brochure clearly states that all bungalows have a sea view and are situated in pleasant, surroundings. However, our bungalow was a five-minute walk from the beach and located between a car park and a disco that was open every night until 3 a.m. When we requested a change of bungalow, Mr Kitching was offhand and unwilling to try to find a solution. These problems detracted significantly from our enjoyment of the holiday as it was necessary to spend the first day having the room put into a habitable condition, while for the remainder of our stay we had very little sleep at night. I am writing to complain about the poor accommodation services you rendered to me when I visited your hotel with my fiancà © on 31st January 2014 for a buffet. Firstly, the room was poorly lighten and it was deem in the rooms. This made it hard for us to see the room and our belongings. Secondly, there was no soap in the showers and bed sheets were dirty. Even

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects of video games on children Essay Example for Free

Effects of video games on children Essay Although video games can increase aggressive behavior, they can improve memory and logistical thinking, as well as teach perseverance. Over the course of the last few decades video games have been integrated into the lives of our children. Video games are very appealing to children of all ages, and even to some adults. There is a variety of video games out there, and they range from educational to very violent. Because of this diverse selection of video games, there is a wide range of positive and negative side effects that these games can have on children. Because a large percentage of our children’s time is spent playing video games, there has been a lot of research in recent years on the positive and negative effects these games have on them. â€Å"Among elementary and middle-school populations, girls play for an average of about 5. 5 hours/week and boys average 13 hours/week,† (Gentile, D. A. 2004). Teenagers also spend a time playing video games. According to Media Analysis Laboratory (1998),†Eighty percent of teens said they played at least occasionally and the average amount of time spent gaming for the sample was 5 hours per week† (para. 19). Video game play has become not only a leisurely pastime for children, but for families also. When parents are not involved in some of their game play the outcome can become a little scary. Children who play video games with their families have a more pro-social attitude compared to their counterparts who play alone. Children who are less social or somewhat anti-social tend to develop aggressive tendancies when spending long hours gaming alone especially when violent video games are involved. Video games have been shown to increase aggressive behavior in some children. Neubert, S. P. (2004) said, â€Å"Individuals high in hostility are more likely to become aggressive when exposed to violent video games. † â€Å"Games in which the only positive outcome is the violent demise of enemies reinforces anti-social behavior. Violent video games desensitize people to aggression,† (Neubert, S. P. , 2004). According to a study done by Douglas A. Gentile. References Media Analysis Laboratory (1998). Video game culture: Leisure and play preferences of B. C. teens. Retrieved from http://www. media-awareness. ca In-Text Citation 1. [Insert the paraphrased material] (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B. C. , 1998). 2. The Media Analysis Laboratory (1998) website [Insert the paraphrased material]. 3. , [Insert the quotation]† (para. 19).

Friday, September 20, 2019


ANALYSIS OF AGAMEMNON BY AESCHYLUS The themes in this play are centered on the argument which stipulates human minds in very violent and problematic aspects due the following; the lust for power and the violent acts associated with it, the chauvinistic clash male against female dominance, crime and its penalty, sensation versus motive; tribal alienation versus democratic idealism; contamination and purification. These have been emphasized because of their prevalence in the family set-up. The center point is Apollo puts a curse on prophetess Cassandra for refusing to give her a hand in marriage, she willingly accepts the responsibility for the outcomes of Apollos curse (Fagles, 2010). Prophetess Cassandra had entered into an agreement that required him to give her gift to prophesize in return for her; however after getting the power to prophesize she did fulfill her promise which prompts Apollo to punish her. This is enough evidence of arrogance defiance to a god by women. Historically, there are political issues that involve leaders, wars, and maintenance of law and order. The Furies plays the judicial role by punishing those involved in terrible crimes through tormenting them by irreversible curses. In this case a person is not punished by human laws, the gods do the task. Through the Chorus the Greek soldiers are warned of the possible punishment for being too much violent on Troy because that shows lawlessness. Apollo with his powers can not save the prophetess Cassandra from the eminent murder threat from Clytaemnestra, therefore she is very upset. She was cursed to see future events but she can not have control over them. The power of the gods is evident when Agamemnon and prophetess Cassandra are pronounced to death but no human powers are able to change. Clytaemnestra torments Agamemnon by cleverly convincing him to walk across the red carpet an act which is signifies his demand for recognition of the role she played in the Greek victory. This is an offence to the gods. As with Cassandra, Clytaemnestra believes in the ideas that justice is best achieved through revenge An eye for an eye, she believes that more murder can be a possible cleansing for the sins caused by the earlier murders (Wilson, 2010). Politically The play fits into its time politically by carefully a portraying a pattern in change where that it is still possible for the less powerful class of the society to continue to play their normal roles in the society. This play is an avenue through which the Athenians to are able to understand recent political changes and be able to understand them (Aeschylus Et al. 2004). This pattern of change shows the drastic changes that are left behind by various that the people leave after them. This is evident when Athena persuades Furies to give up their violent pursuit of Orestes for revenge of killing his mother. Furies are therefore helping maintain the cosmic order by enforcing laws that the father of gods and men administer hence they are not viewed as being anarchic and primitive spirits of violence. They are therefore feared and honored just as Artemis because they are concerned with justice in the society. The play also fits into its time politically as it was written a time when tragedy was an order of the day in ancient Greeks politics especially when it was under tyrant Pisistratus hence playwright had to restructure their contents to portray the state of the politics of the time. In Oresteia drama therefore was used to magnify political issues of the time by embedding to the tradition of the Athenians. The habit of arrogance is termed as a crime that has the consequences of a heavy punishment. The old men had a tough warning that being excessive and full of pride. Paris didnt hit to this advice and therefore became guilty because he arrogantly caused violence to Menelaus trust, more worse he proceeded to kidnap Helen, Menalaus wife. This act led to terrible suffering though his own death and the subsequent destruction of his city and lineage. Sociologically The play fits it its time in that it describes an era when women could be seen to take leadership role sin the society and the author portrays women as being strong and powerful just as men are, for example Clytaemestra rules Argos while his husband is away in try and also manages to connive him to walk on the red carpet despite the fact that is only meant for gods. Clytaemnestra is a woman who exhibits the behaviour of a man despite the fact that she is of a weaker gender, this caused the Chorus of Elders to be upset. She performs different tasks that women were not supposed to do, for instance she is a murderer and his mannerisms were weird because he could talk back them, she even goes to the extent of admiring to be the ruler of Argos (Slayford-Wei, 2010). However she did every thing what was not supposed to be done by other women, she was a murder, she was talking back to men and she wanted to rule Argos which all this were meant only to be done by men. From the Mens Chorus Helen and Clytaemnestra are depicted as creatures that are extremely evil because they bring destruction and wreck to the ways of men. The belief by Cassandra is that women should have respect for their husbands and always try being good wives. She doesnt believe that Clytaemnestra has the right to brutally murder her husband, although Clytaemnestra is angry because of the death of Iphigenia. Cassandra is so disgusted that she compares Clytaemnestra to a very hideous animal. The Chorus of old men clearly ignores her warnings but she is confident of what will happen she therefore chooses to remain calm with a passive acceptance of her death. The Chorus of men is in disbelief of the fact that a woman like Clytaemnestra could actually dare to perform such an act of murder because of her woman wood. Clytaemnestra dares them by proving her animosity as she proudly explains to them how she performed this violent act with her own bloody hands. In their response, they say that she will be crushed to death by the bitter feeling of men, this is partly due to the fact that the deadly crime was committed by a mere creature which is a woman. Spiritually The author argues that there is a thin line between humans and beast and thus allows human to transform to beasts to try and show that the people that leaved at that time were as in human as beast would be fro instance the wife of the king who eagerly anticipate to the return of his husband so that he would murder him and continue ruling (Wilson, 2010). This is further clarified when she finally hideously murders his husband upon his return from Troy. Athenians at the time of Agamemnon showed little or no loyalty to their women and mostly never involved them in the making of family decisions. For stance when Agamemnon is given a chance to make a decision between giving wind to his men and saving his daughters life ,he respects his men more and even goes ahead to sacrifice his own daughter without consulting his wife, Clytaemnestra. The elders in the chorus are fast to blames Helen for what has befall Argos had termed her to a typical woman who causes trouble and the one who caused the Trojan war. They are not ready to pass the blame to the man who kidnapped her simply because he is a man and she has to take the blame because she is a woman. More so the king Agamemnon blames Helen for all the deaths that resulted from the etojan war. The Chorus shows high respect for the gods by fearing beings such as the goddess Artemis. The gods as are very powerful, Goddess Artemis at one point demands for Agamemnon to make his daughter a sacrifice in order for the Greek ships to sail to Troy. The old men make their appeal for help from Zeus (gods king) and Artemis brother Apollo. Apollo with his powers can not save the prophetess Cassandra from the eminent murder threat from Clytaemnestra, therefore she is very upset. She was cursed to see future events but she can not have control over them. The power of the gods is evident when Agamemnon and prophetess Cassandra are pronounced to death but no human powers are able to change. Clytaemnestra torments Agamemnon by cleverly convincing him to walk across the red carpet, an act which is signifies his demand for recognition of the role she played in the Greek victory. This is an offence to the gods. Philosophically The play indicates that Athenians respected their older gods even after they have been overthrown by the younger gods. This is shown by the appearance of the Cronos in the Oresteia despite the fact that it was no longer worshiped. This play therefore insist that when there is change there is bound to be losers and winners but the losers are contented for the good of the greater society (Slayford-Wei, 2010). The play shows that Athenians believed in existence and inheritance of curses. This is evident in the adage sins of the father are visited upon the son. Aegusthus father evokes a curse to Atreus his Son, when he was fed on the butchered children. Also Athenians had the thinking of violence begets violence meaning that revenge was seen as the only normal and right way of avenging against once defaulter. An eye for an eye was the way to societal justice. Agamemnon avoids being perceived as unmanly due to the excessive obedience to womanly wishes. He therefore distrusts her because of her attempts to use womanly ways in convincing him. He tries to imply that women are typically manipulative creatures however Clytaemnestra shows her prevalence over this man when he willingly to walks on a red carpet. She holds really power over men, her husband also included. Towards the end of the story, there is role reversing between men and women, Clytaemnestra, remains as the only woman in charge; she bosses to Aegisthus and the Chorus as the only male characters around her, these two characters acts like women despite the fact that they represent men (Slayford-Wei, (2010). The chorus of men was initially disrespective to her; Clytaemnestra can now belittle all male characters. Therefore, the Greek society questions the reversal of roles and its effects to the mens position. Clytaemnestra behavior is typically that of a man, this upsets the Chorus of Elders. By doing everything in a manly manner she believes that she has finally delivered justice to Argos, she manages to end the curse of bloodshed that had been in force for several years. In the chorus I swept from these halls/the murder, it is enough evidence for her belief, According to her, the murders of Agamemnon and Cassandra marks the erasure of previous generations bloodshed.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Contrasting Ralph and Jack in Lord of the Flies Essay -- comparison co

Contrasting Ralph and Jack in Lord of the Flies Ralph and Jack are both powerful and meaningful characters in William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies. Ralph is an excellent leader; responsible, and stands for all that is good. Jack is a destructive hunter, selfish, and represents evil. These two main characters can be compared by the actions they take as leaders, their personalities, and what they symbolize in the story. Ralph first takes on the position as leader at the beginning of the story, when the rest of the boys vote him in as chief. He carries this position until Jack and his fellow hunters break away from the group. Ralph makes it his job to set out the rules to organize a society. Ralph always thinks of what is best for everyone and how they will all benefit from his decisions. Rules and standards are set when Ralph is the chief. He orders the group to build the basic necessities of civilization, shelters, and most importantly to keep the fire going, in hope that they will be rescued and return to humanity. "But I tell you that smoke is more important than the pig, however often you kill one" (Golding 75). Jack, on the other hand, takes on the idea of every man for himself. He does not care about making homes, only about hunting. When Jack is the leader, evil takes over and all good is destroyed. Under Jack's power both Simon and Piggy are killed. Not only do the two character's decisions clash so do their personalities. Ralph is caring and considerate, being kinder... ...nclusion. 2. While the body of your paper sticks to your thesis statement, it could be better organized. Since your organize your paper into three paragraphs, one concerning the boys' leadership, another their personalities and another their symbolism, each paragraph should be organized in the same manner. If you discuss Ralph first in the first paragraph then you should begin with Ralph in the other two paragraphs. Also you should fully discuss each character before moving on to the other. Switching back and forth can become confusing. 3. The correct method for quoting is "The conch is gone" (Golding 200). Instead of, "The conch is gone (Golding 200)." The parentheses are considered a part of the last sentence but not a part of the quote itself, so it should be included into the punctuation but not the quotation marks.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Iliad of Homer Essay -- essays research papers

The Iliad of Homer Honor is something men and women have fought for century after century. Even now, thousands of American and British men are fighting in Iraq, near to where the Trojan War was to have taken place. These men fight for the greater good. They fight for those in Iraq who are unable to fight for or otherwise defend themselves. They fight for honor. The characters in the Iliad are motivated by their own form of honor, or arete, known similarly as the Homeric Code. And it is because of this code that the Trojan War began. The characters in this story are shown to possess arete, but some have different ideas as to how vastly and to what rate it should be respected. And because of this, many a man’s honor is disturbed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Homeric Code can be defined as â€Å"unwritten rules that guide the conduct of the Homeric Heroes.† For the Homeric Heroes, success means survival and greater honor; failure means death and removal from the struggle for honor. What the Heroic code means is that honor is more important than life itself. It is obvious throughout the books that the characters of high honor are the ones that ignore warnings to stay away from danger, battles, and the like. Courage, physical abilities, and social status are also important contributions to the Homeric code. To truly understand this code and the true dedication to it as told by Homer, means becoming accustom to the values kept by those in this story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Church On Homelessness :: essays research papers

The Church on Homelessness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The view of the church to the homeless is generous and envangelistic commitment. The church also shows a special love for the poor. The church just being there and its charitable help for the homeless shows what God would want the church to do for the homeless.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The church is very conscious that the lack of decent housing threatens the poor. The church is grateful for the creation of organizations that help to make the right to housing possible for many homeless people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Examples of such organizations are shelters and witness of the local churches. Pope Paul VI himself personally promoted a program aimed at providing housing for some families who were living in a Roman slum.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The concern of the church for housing for the homeless comes from three ideas:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1) Adequate housing is important if a person is to find fulfillment, both as an individual and as a member of a family and society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2) The witness that the church seeks to give in helping in the search for a solution to the problems of the poor is a sign of the presence of the kingdom of salvation and liberation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3) The mission of the church also consists in helping to make society more human.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Catholic Church agrees with these three ideas and also makes its own judgement on the suffering of these millions of people. From the time of the earliest Christian communities, the church has always shown a preference for the poor, the needy, and on the outcasts of society. The way that the church insists on reaching out to the poor through mission collections, food pantries, and shelters shows the preferential love that the church has for these people. The church has always appealed to government programs set up to help the poor and has always supported cities to set up housing programs in the poorest areas   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As long as there are people without housing, Christians who have

How does Alfieri justify his ‘love’ for Eddie Essay

Alfieri is a middle-aged lawyer who has seen his share of clients and listened to their problems as they sought his advice, a Italian-American who understands and has witnessed both countries’ interpretations of law. Having been brought up in the Sicilian way where pride and honour predominate, and being an exponent of American law he also respects how civilised American law is. Alfieri acts as the narrator of ‘A View From The Bridge’, similar in many ways to the choruses found in ancient Greek tragedies, who used to comment on the plays at regular intervals. Alfieri likewise recounts this story to us (in which he plays a part) and reflects on the actions of the characters and the obviousness of the outcome. Eddie had always lived by the Italian law but saw its helplessness when dealing with Rudolpho. Hoping that he could use American law to stop Rudolpho marrying Catherine, Eddie visits Alfieri to ask his advice and to see what could be done about Rudolpho. After meeting with Eddie, Alfieri knew what Eddie would do but ‘was so powerless to stop it. ‘ Alfieri also realizes Eddie’s shameful agenda that he tries to disguise by protesting that he is looking out for Catherine. Alfieri is aware of his limitations as a lawyer, recognizing the fact that no legal system delivers absolute justice for only God can give that. Neither is he deluded into thinking that the American legal system solves all of peoples’ personal problems. However he knows that Eddie will stop at nothing to make sure that Rudolpho does not have Catherine, and indeed that no one else has her. By being himself and disregarding what other people thought of him to get what he wanted, Alfieri grows to respect Eddie. By the end of the play Alfieri reflects on how easily Eddie could have avoided his fate. He realises that Eddie pursued his fate because although he knew that he would have to pay the price to get Catherine, he wanted her so badly he charged on, accepting what came. Alfieri says that it is better to compromise between getting what you want and what you can have. As a Sicilian-American he has ‘settled for half’ and accepted American justice as a way of life because it is safer for him to do so. Yet Eddie will not ‘settle for half’ letting himself to be known as he truly was. So what we are left with is an honourable, concerned, intelligent man sympathising with a man who turned his back on everything he knew – his wife, his way of life, his honour and his life-in the vain hope that he could keep his niece for himself. Like a hero in a modern tragedy, Eddie is a strong character who is destroyed by his weakness-Catherine. As the only character who can reflect on the play’s events objectively, Alfieri realizes that Eddie’s death must seve as a reminder to others to ‘settle for half. ‘ However his alarm stems from the fact that while this will keep you safer if you follow this code, ultimately it means compromising peoples’ hopes, desires and sense of justice.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Money and Happiness, It Never Works Together Essay

Often times if you inherit a large amount of money your life can change forever much like in a lottery, however if you are not careful you may just be the opposite of happy. However, businessmen who earn their money are proud of it, just ask lottery winners who have had their lives altered because of that. Well, in Goodbye, Columbus the Patimkin family act a lot like lottery winners, Mr. Patimkin a wealthy businessman has a spoiled family who in actually doesn’t seems happy with their wealth. As more and more problems started to arise with money, things started to unravel with the family. In Goodbye Columbus, Phillip Roth shows that Brenda and her mother’s tensions over money, Brenda’s lifestyle decisions about money (including the nose job), and the obvious generation gap shows that financial success does not always lead to happiness. Brenda and her mother have issues about money, and Brenda’s apparent laziness over having maids leads her to believe she can do whatever she wants. They fight over Brenda’s view on her not appreciating the value of money, since her mother tells her â€Å"You ought to earn some money and buy your own clothes†, but Brenda always thinks she doesn’t have to earn her money and â€Å"daddy† should buy her clothes and nose jobs for her. Not only that, they fight about work ethic because Brenda thinks the maid should do everything and her mother think she is lazy for it was said by Brenda’s mother â€Å"You ought to learn what a day’s work means.† (64). Brenda however doesn’t think that way, in fact she think she thinks she’s â€Å"†¦not a slave†¦I’m a daughter† which gives readers the impression that she is a brat, and that she does not appreciate the value of hard work or money. Brenda’s mother also believes Brenda is lazy, and Brenda thinks the maids can do all the dishes and housework: â€Å"When’s the last time you washed the dishes†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Jesus Christ!’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Carlotta washes the dishes!† this shows Brenda has a mindset that because she is rich she doesn’t have to do anything. Therefore, Brenda and her mother’s constant fighting show that they have plenty of tension between them to prove that money never has led to personal happiness. While Brenda and her mother have personal issues that lead to money not giving them happiness, Brenda’s personal decisions & her lifestyle have dictated her way on not being happy with money. Brenda always has a mindset that her maids Carlotta and Jenny do everything when in reality, she is the one that needs to be doing work, as this was stated during her fight with her mother: â€Å"My god, mother you’d think we didn’t have Carlota and Jenny† (64). She because of her monetary status (being wealthy) she assumes that she doesn’t have any chores to do, however her mother thinks Brenda should help more around the house (and in a way calls her spoiled): â€Å"When is the last time you lifted a finger to help around here?†, therefore in a way their social and economic status had led to money being a problem because of their fighting. Brenda’s lifestyle choices also dictate why money doesn’t always bring happiness, for example Brenda wanted a nose job to smooth out the bumps in it, but in reality she wanted to look prettier: â€Å"I’m pretty. Now I’m prettier.† If someone wanted to look prettier, they could have spent less money on her, but instead Brenda spent a thousand dollars on the nose job just to be prettier. The generation gap between the Patimkin parent’s and children could also explain why money doesn’t always lead to happiness. Mr. Patimkin explains that he wasn’t as wealthy as his was now, instead he â€Å"†¦had (to buy) forks and knives for the five and ten.†(95) Which means he bought his things from nickel and dime â€Å"discount† stores (like the Dollar Store) when he was a kid. However he then goes on to say that his kids â€Å"†¦need gold to eat off of†(95) which implies that they are spoiled, however he isn’t angry at his kids instead he is happy he can pass on his current wealth to them â€Å"but here was no anger far from it. However, his kids (the next generation) are exactly the opposite, instead of buying thinks from discount stores and working hard they are getting nose jobs, relying on their maids, and going to country clubs which are all things upper class people do. There defiantly is a generation gap between the working class Mr. and Mrs. Patimkin, and the spoiled Brenda, Ron, and even Julie Patimkin. The Patimkins are not a dysfunctional family by any means, in fact they are a loving family by many aspects, they respect each other, and in the end it is money that implodes the family. It is unknown if the family’s generation gap is filled, but judging by the attitude of the children it seems that they may never be happy in their spirits. And while it seems that money is keeping them happy on the surface, maybe it is money that is driving them apart. Just ask anyone that ever won the lottery and you will know that their lives have change drastically, much like the Patimkins live have changed once they realized that.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Report on Air Asia Essay

The route map of all the destinations covered by Air Asia and Air Asia X are also shown. Booking services Once the destinations are selected the flight times and the base prices will be displayed AirAsia GoAir Asia Go ensures customers to book flights and the hotel rooms in their preferred destinations at the click of the mouse. AirAsia Credit Cards With the Air Asia credit cards, each customer is entitled for great deals and discounts on selected flights and purchases from Air Asia. AirAsia Insure Air Asia has its own travel insurance, which is Air Asia Insure travel protection. AirAsia CourierWith Air Asia Courier, the courier rates are 50% lower than the nearest competitor prices. It has two main services, that is Delivery to Door and Airport to Airport services. AirAsia RedTix An online ticket service in which customers can buy tickets for upcoming sporting events, theatre shows, and many more. Air Asia RedTix partners with premier event organizers to bring customers the world of high class performances and entertainments. Red MegastoreA merchandise service from Air Asia in which you can browse and shop for exclusive merchandise from the comforts of your home. Exclusive Air Asia merchandise, collectibles, exclusive cosmetics and fragrances are available for customers to choose from. AirAsia. cafeThis is an in-flight experience that is specially tailored to cater to the needs of the customers’ needs and expectations. Food and Beverages, AirAsia Merchandise, and in flight entertainment. Figure: 8 Product & Services of Air Asia (Accessed on 25th May 2010) http://www. redmegastore. com/webshaper/store/viewCat. asp 3. 0 Mega Environment Mega environment are the general condition outside an organization. Mega environment have 5 elements. These are Technological, Economic, Legal Political, Social culture and International. In this particular time our group will be explaining about Technological and Social Culture. 3. 1 Social/Culture Brand culture With the tagline ‘Now everyone can fly’, Air Asia’s philosophy of low fares is aimed to make flying affordable for everyone. Air Asia also aims at making travel easy, convenient and fun for its guests Malaysia is a multiracial country, boasting races of Malays, Chinese, Indians and others. Malaysia’s state religion is Islam, but people are free to choose their religion. Malay is the official language in Malaysia, as English is also widely used. Fernandes’s management style to build on the basis of culture, creating a strong brand, and usinghis own unique way. He stressed that the departments are closely linked, and also the importance of distinguishing. He explained in the aviation industry, â€Å"The pilots think they are God, and also the engineers as these are very important people. † Air Asia’s philosophy is: not only affordable flights, but also interesting and fun experience in each flight.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Does Hosseini Tell the Story in Chapter 2 Essay

During this early stage of the novel, narrative is fundamental in forming the basis and definition of Amir, the protagonist and teller of the story. As well as this, several expectations for the novel are also established, particularly in terms of characterization and plot. Whilst the book as a whole can be described as a psychological exploration into the complexities of guilt and jealousy, this chapter differs in the sense that the narration deliberately refrains from discussing any thoughts or emotions of Amir. Founded on factual knowledge such as dates, times, births, deaths, and directly quoted dialogue, the formal tone may reflect the writer’s attitude to the material being discussed; perhaps he is ashamed and wants, during this chapter, to distance himself from emotional implications and accountability? Instead, we are introduced to the voices of other characters, such as Baba, Ali and Sanaubar. This begins to embed the idea that the plot will revolve around a delicate web of interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, Hosseini’s first-person narrator makes the larger story of Afghanistan’s troubles seem very personal, as Amir’s tale of personal abuse, betrayal, and redemption, mirrors the tale of Afghanistan itself. Hosseini uses contrast to illustrate the inverse lives of Amir and Hassan. Endless description of infinite luxury, marble surfaces, the warmth of fire, and curved walls steering through one room after another, is followed by a single sentence, almost as an afterthought, mentioning Hassan and Ali’s humble mud hut at the bottom of the garden. The choice of sentence structure is reflective of their positions in society; their respective lifestyles are the culmination of ethnic tensions and intolerances. However, a degree of similarity remains, a similarity that is irrelevant of society. Both Hassan and Amir have lost their mothers, and as a consequence, only have their fathers and each other. They are closer than regular friends, or more like brothers. Their relationship plays a central role in the book, and it figures in another theme that is introduced in this chapter: standing up for what is right. But despite this undeniable connection, Amir cannot call Hassan a friend, in the same way that Baba never refers to Ali as a friend either. The looming division of religious beliefs is further intensified by the blasphemous language used by the soldiers in reference to Hassan’s mother, which gives an impression of the control and sadistic ways associated with the treatment of Hazaras by the Pashtuns. The significance of setting becomes increasingly apparent as the book goes on, and in this chapter we are introduced to the pastoral environment that sets the scene for the childhood that Amir and Hassan shared. Hosseini crafts a typical landscape in descriptive detail of the Afghanistan that once was, of sunlight, trees, fruit, and autumn colours. This imagery is recurrent in passages of retrospective throughout the novel, and is part of a structural plan to effectively shock the reader in later chapters when Amir returns to Afghanistan.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Music and Soundscapes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Music and Soundscapes - Research Paper Example The sound effects, sounds that are made outside of the scene and applied, are used in tandem with the scene (Klaus 136). In the clip from Jaws, the music has a duality, revealing both the joy of the chase and the seriousness of what they are about to accomplish. As the tension builds, so does the tension of the music. There is a playfulness, even within the music score that accompanies this scene. As the captain goes to shoot the shark, the tension builds even higher. Once the first shot is in, it builds towards him taking the next shot, but then descends as the barrel descends into the water. The music is complex, reflecting the moment. This is in contrast to the simplicity of the theme music that is so well known about the shark. In this scene, the humans feel that they are in control and that they are working the shark towards their own ends. However, there is a sense that this is not true, thus the playfulness within the music reflects something of the self-delusion that they are experiencing (Movie Clips. ‘Barrels’ Jaws (1975). The sound in the ‘Opposites do not Attract’ in When Harry Met Sally is a series of sounds that are developed to reflect the situation. The two lead characters are riding in a car so the rush of the car as it travels underlies the sound.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Economics of Race and Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics of Race and Gender - Essay Example This in turn, affects business, politics, and consumption. For many years, economics of race and gender has been a core issue whereby traditionally, women were permitted to perform household chores (Kim, pg 63). Since time immemorial, women’s contribution to the society was limited, and mostly controlled by men. However, women’s role has changed tremendously with time, and they are standing tall to demand their rights politically, socially, and economically. As a result, women are playing a vital role in economical status. In reality, more women are entering into the stock market more than ever before. Amazingly, the automobile industry is responding positively to designing cars for women for instance the Volvo car (Jayson 1). On the other hand, men are taking more traditional roles that were meant for women such as cooking. With no doubt; the icon for a woman in 1950s was a domesticated mother and a housewife who cleaned, cooked, and took care of her family. Nevertheless, in the 21st Century, women possess the role as mothers, wife, domestic organizer, and career. Overall, the role of women is changing as they are going into better paid jobs, and eventually men are forced to share household responsibilities (Jayson 1). This would mean an increase in job opportunities for women and men in that, one party can work longer while the other party looks after children or other family chores. With this in mind, the following paper aims at discussing Economics of race and gender, and discussing this, it will evaluate how roles in the household have changed tremendously (Burnette, 332). In the article entitled, Family life, roles changing as couples seek balance Jayson argues that, gender roles have altered for the last decades in that, men play a greater role in the domestic life as women emerge into the labor market (Jayson 1). In the 21st century, there is a division of labor between women and men commonly

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment Essay

Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment differ from kidnapping How does it differ from false arrest - Essay Example The detective later learns that the person is innocent, but still go ahead to lock the person up. It could then be said that the detective has falsely imprisoned the individual and this is a clear case of false imprisonment. It should be noted that false imprisonment differs from kidnapping in so many ways. While false imprisonment is usually done by officers of the law, kidnapping is not in any way done by officers of the law. Kidnapping is the criminally act of abducting somebody forcefully against their will and it is usually done for ransom. False imprisonment is usually carried out with the officers that made the false imprisonment giving the impression that they are working according to the statutes of the law, while kidnapping is in every way against the law. Thus, to a certain extent false imprisonment has the support of the law at least up to the extent that it has been established that it is false imprisonment. While kidnapping on the other hand does not have the support of the law in any way (Friedman, 2002). False imprisonment differs from false arrest in the sense that while false imprisonment generally involves the imprisonment of an individual by a detective or an officer of the law, false arrest does not necessarily ends in imprisonment.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Women Liberation Is Still a Fiction Research Paper

Women Liberation Is Still a Fiction - Research Paper Example Women are considered more responsible and hence even the domestic front has to be looked after by women of the houses. The paper argues on the fact that women liberation is still a fiction. The indicators which give the impression of women liberation are in fact illusions. Most of the offices in the world today give the statistics of women employees. The figure is encouraging. Ii indicates that so many women have come out from the domestic front and are engaging themselves in the economic activities. In reality, the picture is completely different. It is true that women participate in economic activities but how much they are a part of the economy remains a big question. In most cases, women work as hard as men rather more than men but her contribution is not seen as a worthy one in society. The belief is such that her income is mainly for satisfying unimportant desires and hence do not have an importance that is equal to that of a man. Women today put on bold attire. This is because they are liberated from the clutches of conservatism. Through their dress, they try to show the world that they can express their desires in modern society. Unfortunately, it does not remain so easy for women. A study has proved that men were of the opinion that women should pay attention to the kind of dresses that they wear. They should not put on something which will catch the attention of men because that may cause rape and other sexual offences. (Campbell and Norris, 39). â€Å"Only through eradication of outward ornament can women atone for the vices of their sex†. (Coon, 32). Through this, it can be understood that the existing belief was that female sexuality was a vice and it can only be controlled if women control their appearances. It was expected that the proper norm for women was to put on drab dresses in order to prevent sexual exploitation.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Comparative Corporate Governance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Comparative Corporate Governance - Coursework Example deal with mergers and acquisitions and will further strengthen the differences that exist between US and UK takeover activities. The directors of target corporations in U.S. can make use of the available takeover defences to shift the hostile offers within the procedures of a conciliated acquisition that creates greater power for negotiation allowing the board to optimize the value of shareholders within M&A transactions. While the process of conciliation is on, the directors have the power to consolidate provisions within the M&A agreement under the deal protection measure, that goes on to elevate the prices and premium rates for the shareholders. Therefore, we find that in case of US target corporation as per the extensive rules established under the Delaware General Corporation Law and the Delaware common law the ultimate authority and power is wielded by the board of directors in case of selling the company. However, the board of directors in U.K. target corporations do not have similar powers to transfer the offers into the process of conciliation. Instead, in this case the takeover defences are face strict prohibition order in UK and the recent amendments made to the takeover code by the Panel impedes the use of any kind of deal protection measures. Therefore, by removing the deal protection measures and the takeover defences, the takeover code largely curbs the board’s power of negotiation. This article will examine the various differences that exist in the regulation of takeover defences in the UK and the US and how they reflect the different approaches taken in the UK and the US to the balance of  power between the board of directors and the shareholder body. Discussion Antitakeover disposition... From the research it can be comprehended that antitakeover disposition used by target firms are defence measures adopted to avoid unwarranted hostile tenders presented by any future bidders. Some of the defence measures are used as pre-emptive strategies (in anticipation of future negotiation), while there are also a wide spectrum of complaisant defences available to organisations that find themselves as potential targets after the negotiations. Besides these, the defence strategies and the manner by which they can be employed differ widely between US (especially under Delaware law), and UK. As per the Delaware law while defending against a hostile takeover the directors of the target company may apply their ‘business judgment rule’ where they are allowed to show that after showing â€Å"good faith and reasonable investigation,† they felt a threat to the present policies of the corporation. Furthermore as per the awarded sentence in the case Unocal Corp v Mesa Pet roleum Co, a judiciary review of any defensive takeover strategies looks towards whether the threat mentioned by the directors were viewed reasonably, and if the defensive strategies applied were feasible to the posed threat. In UK however, in direct contrast, the use of takeover defences to ward off hostile takeovers is restricted largely by the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers and make sit necessary that there is shareholder approval before the defensive strategies are exercised.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The smoking bans on university and college campuses Research Paper

The smoking bans on university and college campuses - Research Paper Example While these smoking bans are beneficial to smokers, the bans are primarily being undergone to protect the rights and ensure the health of those exposed to secondhand smoke. Many smokers fight for their rights to smoke in public with the argument that â€Å"smokers and nonsmokers alike have to learn to share their space† (Smith, 2012). However, this stance is riddled with holes, the largest being that, by being forced to share space, people who choose not to smoke are still being subjected to the toxins that smokers insist on. Nonsmokers are not given the opportunity to be in public smoke-free environments because the smoke does not stay in one place but wafts in all directions, leaving nonsmokers with very little choice in the way of clean air. As such, these smoking bans on university campuses, and in other public locations, seek to protect the rights, and the health, of nonsmokers (Fortin, 2007). They are being put in harm’s way when someone else decides to light up a cigarette, a choice that nonsmokers seldom have a say in. These bans will give nonsmokers the protection that their health requires. Similarly, â€Å"comprehensive smoking bans can reduce secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmokers† (CDC, 2007). Secondhand smoke has proven to be more dangerous than the smoke inhaled through a cigarette. This is due to the fact that filters in cigarettes remove the most deadly toxins as smokers inhale, thereby allowing them to not inhale all of the toxins. Those exposed to secondhand smoke do not get the benefit of the filters, and are left to to wade through the harsh smoke, toxins and all. These proposed and active smoking bans protect employees and students from exposure to secondhand smoke on college campuses (ANR, 2012). While smokers are inhaling dangerous toxins themselves, they are leaving behind something much deadlier for those who have made an active decision not to smoke. Essentially, nonsmokers are being punished for the choices made by smokers,

Argument for and against the Use of Death Penalty in Contemporary Amer Essay

Argument for and against the Use of Death Penalty in Contemporary America - Essay Example One of the opinions that support the implementation of the death penalty against capital offenders is its effectiveness in eliminating the criminals from the society. This effectively reduces rates of capital crimes by permanently eliminating the criminals from the targets. As opposed to imprisonment that often allows the criminals back to the society to induce high probability of further crimes, death penalty ensures complete elimination of the criminals from the society and hence reduces the rates of such crimes. The death penalty also identifies an economic advantage to the government that can then save its limited financial resources for social utilities instead of using the resources to maintain individuals who have been detrimental to the society’s utility. It, therefore, allows the government to focus on a single interest of providing the society’s utilities instead of dividing resources toward meeting utilities and maintaining individuals who have been detriment al to the government’s utility initiatives. The death penalty should also be implemented because of its retribution effect that not only punishes crimes but also derives utility from achieved justice to victims of capital crimes. Relatives and close friends of a murder victim will, for example, derive social and emotional utility from a death penalty against the murderer besides the general good of a safer society. The death penalty has also been supported for its effectiveness in discouraging criminals. This is major because people fear death and the associated pain. A person will, therefore, be more rational to refrain from a crime that attracts death penalty for fear of losing his or her own life as opposed to crimes that only attract fines or imprisonment, penalties that do not physically affect the criminals’ lives. There are however a number of augments that oppose implementation of the death penalty.  

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Theory and practices of negotiation Essay Example for Free

Theory and practices of negotiation Essay Definition When you hear the word negotiation, what comes first to mind? Negotiation is almost always an everyday transaction being dealt with by each and every one of us. Indeed, how often do you negotiate often, seldom, or never? Everything in life is negotiated, under all conditions, at all times: from asking your parents to bring you to the shopping malls to take out the morning garbage to driving in the express lane in rush-hour traffic, from determining what time to schedule an appointment with a client to deciding which tv show to watch with your family—to some extent, every facet of life is linked with one’s using of negotiation. Negotiation occurs whenever people exchange ideas with the intention of changing relationships or whenever they confer for agreement. Another definition expanding slightly the above meaning of negotiation is to note that negotiation is conducted neither to widen nor to breach the relationship, but to form a new or different configuration. In short, most of us are constantly involved in negotiations to one degree or another for a good part of any given day. Negotiation should be considered as a positive way of structuring the communication process. It is usually more than helpful in one’s work environment and in closing deals with new clients or prospects. Win-win negotiation skills are assets to a company especially if you will be in-charge of marketing new and pioneer products to the market. Effective negotiation helps you to resolve situations where what you want conflicts with what someone else wants. The aim of win-win negotiation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties, and leaves both parties feeling that theyve won, in some way, after the event. Preparing for a successful negotiation†¦ Depending on the scale of the disagreement, some preparation may be appropriate for conducting a successful negotiation. For small disagreements, excessive preparation can be counter-productive because it takes time that is better used elsewhere. It can also be seen as manipulative because, just as it strengthens your position, it can weaken the other person’s. However, if you need to resolve a major disagreement, and then make sure you prepare thoroughly. Using our free worksheet, think through the following points before you start negotiating: Goals: what do you want to get out of the negotiation? What do you think the other person wants? Trades: What do you and the other person have that you can trade? What do you each have that the other wants? What are you each comfortable giving away?   Alternatives: if you don’t reach agreement with the other person, what alternatives do you have? Are these good or bad? How much does it matter if you do not reach agreement? Does failure to reach an agreement cut you out of future opportunities? And what alternatives might the other person have? Relationships: what is the history of the relationship? Could or should this history impact the negotiation? Will there be any hidden issues that may influence the negotiation? How will you handle these? Expected outcomes: what outcome will people be expecting from this negotiation? What has the outcome been in the past, and what precedents have been set?   The consequences: what are the consequences for you of winning or losing this negotiation? What are the consequences for the other person? Power: who has what power in the relationship? Who controls resources? Who stands to lose the most if agreement isn’t reached? What power does the other person have to deliver what you hope for? †¢ Possible solutions: based on all of the considerations, what possible compromises might there be? Negotiating successfully†¦ The negotiation itself is a careful exploration of your position and the other person’s position, with the goal of finding a mutually acceptable compromise that gives you both as much of what you want as possible. Peoples positions are rarely as fundamentally opposed as they may initially appear the other person may have very different goals from the ones you expect! In an ideal situation, you will find that the other person wants what you are prepared to trade, and that you are prepared to give what the other person wants. If this is not the case and one person must give way, then it is fair for this person to try to negotiate some form of compensation for doing so – the scale of this compensation will often depend on the many of the factors we discussed above. Ultimately, both sides should feel comfortable with the final solution if the agreement is to be considered win-win. Only consider win-lose negotiation if you dont need to have an ongoing relationship with the other party as, having lost, they are unlikely to want to work with you again. Equally, you should expect that if they need to fulfill some part of a deal in which you have won, they may be uncooperative and legalistic about the way they do this.

Friday, September 6, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-21 Questions Essay Example for Free

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-21 Questions Essay Chapter 16: 1. Atticus and his sister disagree on many things, mostly the treatment of colored people and how important the reputation of the finch family is. Alexandra believe that she is above colored people, especially Calpurnia and that Atticus shouldn’t let his children go to church her because it’s a disgrace to their family. Atticus believe that colored people deserve the same amount of respect as white people and that Calpurnia is a member of the finch family and should be treated like one. 2.Atticus says simply a mob is made up of people, despite the location or situation the mob is in. Plain and simple, no labels attached, the mob is just people. 3.Mr. Underwood was covering Atticus at the jail because even though he doesn’t like colored people, he knew Atticus was doing his job but defending Tom Robinson. 4. Mr. Dolphus Raymond like to spend his time with colored people instead of people of his own race. The people of Maycomb despise him for it and think that he only prefers them because he is constantly under the influence of alcohol. 5. Judge Taylor appears to be a very laid back person, but in actuality he listens very carefully to everything people say. I think the Judge purposely acts like this in court so that people think he’s not paying attention and accidentally say something they shouldn’t have, think that he isn’t paying attention anyway. Chapter 17: 1.Atticus want to reveal that Mayella’s injuries match something that he father could do and not Tom Robinson. 2.The Ewell’s are considered ‘poor white trash’ because the live next to all the colored people, none of them work, Mr. Ewell has seven children, none of them have any manners and none of them bathe regularly. Chapter 18: 1. Mayella could be described as disgusting because she is an Ewell and they are very poor dirty people and also the way she treats people is dirty (p.240). She could be described as pathetic because she is constantly crying and is trying to accuse a crippled man of raping her when it is very hard physically for him to do things (p.248). 2. Tom’s physical appearance is important because Mayella and Mr. Ewell both said that Mayella was beaten on the right side of her body by someone probably left handed. Tom Robinson is right handed and he has no use of his left arm because of an accident he had when he was a kid.†¨ He appears to feel satisfied. It seemed as though he wanted to get back at Mayella for the pain she caused Tom. But all he was doing is smart talking her just like any lawyer would. Chapter 19: 1. Tom Robinson is essentially the symbol of a mockingbird. He is kind and attempts to bring a little kindness to Mayella Ewell who is suffering. The Ewells, Bob Ewell in particular, brings nothing but hate, ignorance and sadness to everyone. He is essentially the opposite of Tom. He even abuses his daughter in the worst possible way. 2. Atticus mentions Tom’s previous record because he went to show the jury the Tom was answering all of the questions truthfully. 3. Toms version is that Mayella invited him inside, then threw her arms around him and began to kiss him. Tom tried to push her away. When Mr. Ewell arrived, he flew into a rage and beat up his own daughter, while Tom ran away scared. 4. He said he felt sorry for her because he knew how her father treated her. He would beat her for the slightest thing and it was hinted that her farther used her in a bad way. It was a mistake because he showed compassion to a white woman and when her father found out that he helped her she was so terrified that she said she did not ask for help he just wanted to take advantage of her and used the excuse about the dresser to get in the house. She also knew she had flirted whit him and was afraid he would say something. 5. Scout believes Mayella is lonelier than Boo Radley because Mayella lives in a place where no one really cares about her and she’s all by herself, while a least Boo has Nathan to take care of him. Chapter 20: 1. Mr. Raymond says that he leads people on into thinking he’s a drunk so that way they some way to justify why he does what does. 2. He tells Scout and Jem about his life because he wants them to know that rumors aren’t always true and that he doesn’t really care what others think, as long as he’s happy people can think whatever they want of him. 3. Atticus explains to the jury that Tom Robison is a good man, that Mayella was trying to take advantage of him and that Tom is innocent. He comments that the bruises on Mayella are most likely from Mayella’s father and that Mayella is a bad person trying to cover up what she did by blaming Tom Robison. Atticus tries telling court room that he knows that no matter what the evidence points to the jury will side with the white man. He says people should discriminate based on color. Atticus tries to make the jury see that they will be convicting an innocent man just because of his skin tone. Chapter 21: 1.Scout knows the verdict before it’s said because her father told her that when the jury comes back after discussing and don’t look at the defendant, then she knows right away that they found him guilty. 2.The colored people stand up out of respect for Atticus. They understand the sacrifices Atticus made when taking this case. They understood the dedication he put into the case, knowing he wasn’t going to win since the beginning. Despite losing his case, they stand because they knew he did his best.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Attitudes Towards Tourism And Hospitality Career Psychology Essay

Attitudes Towards Tourism And Hospitality Career Psychology Essay To explain human behavior is a very difficult and complex task. But approaching it from different levels such as the persons attitude and perception factors and so on, sheds light to this complexity. Concepts referring to behavioral dispositions, such as social attitude, and personality trait, have played an important role in these attempts to predict and explain human behavior (Ajzen, 1998; Campbell, 1963; Sherman Fazio, 1983). This study uses the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB model) to test the influences governing undergraduates intention towards pursuing a career in the tourism industry. This study will thus explore the variables that influence a students intention to pursue a career in the hospitality industry and the factors that are implicated in or modify a students career commitment over time. The sample includes first year to forth year undergraduates studying Tourism management courses offered by The University of Mauritius. 2.1 Perceptions and attitudes towards pursuing a Tourism and Hospitality Career 2.1.0 Tourism management as a course Author (s) s Study S Variables used les used Davidson and Tideswell (1998) Considering level of student interest in the hospitality programme (Australia) Industry factors: Career prospects, Interests, See degree as a rite of passage to job and career, Entrance criteria used by institutions as a mechanism to attract students Barron and Maxwell (1993) New entrants illusory image of the industry- glamorous and unrealistic perceptions Jarvis (1994) Limited resources applied early in the education process Barron (1997) Offer for the course Good reputation of university OMahony, McWilliam and Whitelaw (2001) Reputation and availability of a particular course Hospitality course as second or third preference Accepted based on entry requirement rather than career interest Hing and Lomo (1997) Students enroll with a vague idea of their goal, their future aspirations and career opportunities (minimal commitment) Place coveted at the university, irrespective of discipline If scores were too low. Theres a chance to pursue interest and career in private hospitality colleges Purcell (1993) Career choice in high school were influenced by parents or guardians, peers or friends Cothram and Combrink, 1999; Sciarini and Wood, 1997 Parents and families were the most influential in determining students attitudes and career choice Young (1994) Parents as primary providers of encouragement Machatton (1997) Negative perceptions of parents- hospitality jobs confined to hamburger- flipping and bed making OMahony, McWilliam and Whitelaw (2001) Not rated as an important influence: Parents Teachers School counselors Peers Rated the highest: Mass media Helmes and Adcock (1992) Lack of information Lack of career knowledge Lead to creation of misconception and unwarranted negative attitudes and often associated with lack of opportunities Barron and Maxwell (1993) Information about the industry Career based on choice rather than by chance Fraser, 2000 Varying interest to work in different sectors of the hospitality industry views changed through various exposures: study programme exposure to industry 2.1.1 Tourism as a career choice Author (s) Study Variables used Ross (1991; 1993) positive attitudes towards potential careers high level of interest in management positions industry regarded as holding considerable promise for future employment and career prospects Gets (1994) unattractive option for high school students: downturn in regional economies potential for attracting youth through: internships or co-operative education between schools and industry Airey and Frontisis (1997) career support improvement in basic hospitality education Greek students positive attitudes but: Unrealistic views about careers in the industry Limited experience as hospitality consumers Employment structure in Greece Charles (1992a) Positive attitudes towards: Career in tourism industry- seen as exciting, stimulating and developing creativity Negative attitude because of potential disruptive effect on: Personal Family And social life Interest seen to be decreasing: After internship experience Barron and Maxwell (1993) Difference between perception and experience of the industry: New students hold positive views Post internship students hold negative views Expectations: Good career opportunities Good training Treatment of staff by employers Job does not demand a capacity effort Perception: Industry not lucrative Poor treatment of manual staff Warsyzak (1997) Assessment of industry becomes less positive after post work experiences Kusluvan and Kusluvan (2000) Positive attitudes changed to negative attitudes after practical work experience: Job stress Lack of family life owing to nature of the work Long working hours Exhausting and seasonal (unstable) jobs Low social status of a hospitality job Unfavorable evaluations were due to: Insufficient information about careers Limited information on working conditions West anf Jamieson (1990) Reduction in commitment after various exposures to the industry Purcell and Quinn (1996) Supervised work experience a key contributor to reduced commitment Fraser (2000) Perceptions, aspirations, expectations and career commitment steadily declined over time. Levels of commitment not based on: Sex Qualifications Levels of industry knowledge Nor prior experience But based on: Employment practices Pavesic and Byrmer (1990) Hospitality Graduates switch to another industry less than one year after graduating. Reasons: Poor pay for the hours of work Little recognition for efforts made Lack of opportunity for progress Long hours Stress at work Not receiving acknowledgement of qualifications gained. Kusluvan and Kusluvan (2000) Negative attitudes formed after internship: Stressful jobs Lack of family life owing to the nature of tourism jobs Unsatisfactory and unfair promotions Low pay Insufficient benefits Unqualified managers Poor attitudes and behavior of managers towards employees Unqualified coworkers Poor attitudes and behavior of coworkers Poor physical working conditions for employees 2.2 The Theory of Planned Behavior Ajzen developed the Theory of Planned Behavior in 1991 as an extension of Ajzen and Fishbeins 1975 Theory of Reasoned Action. The TPB has four components: attitudes (i.e. the individuals positive or negative feelings about performing a behavior), subjective norm (i.e. the individuals perception of whether people important to the individual think the behavior should be performed), perceived behavioral control (i.e. The individuals perception on the self skills and ability of performing a behavior) and behavioral intention (i.e. an individuals readiness to perform a given behavior) Ajzen stated that for nonhabituaI behaviors that are easily executed by almost everyone without special circumstances, the theory of reasoned action was adequate. When behaviors are more difficult to execute, and when a person needs to take control over needed resources in order to act, the theory of planned behavior is a better predictor of behavior than the theory of reasoned action. In the theory of planned behavior, control is taken into account as a variable labeled perceived behavioral control, which is defined as a persons perception of how easy or difficult it would be to perform the action. The theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has been since its development some 20 years proved to be a powerful approach to explain human behavior. Â   The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) predicts that planned behaviors are determined by behavioral intentions which are largely influenced by an individuals attitude toward a behavior, the subjective norms encasing the execution of the behavior, and the individuals perception of their control over the behavior (Ajzen, 1975). In simpler terms, behavioural decisions are the result of a reasoned process in which the behavior is influenced by attitudes, norms and perceived behavioral control. 2.3 The Theory of Planned Behavior: Model Ajzens revised model (1991) is expressed in the diagram (figure 2) below: Figure 2: Ajzens Theory of Planned Behavior The theory of planned behavior postulates three conceptually determinants of intention. 2.4 Determinants of Behavioral Intention Attitude towards behavior Attitudes represent an individuals likes, dislikes, beliefs and opinions regarding a particular behavior. It represents a summary of evaluation of psychological object captures in attribute dimensions of good- bad, harmful- beneficial, pleasant- unpleasant, and likable- dislikable (Ajzen; 2001) Rosenberg and Hovland (1996) viewed attitude as a multi-component construct and made the following statement all responses to a stimulus object are mediated by the persons attitude towards the object. Ayres (2008) claims that traditionally there has been a career-for-life philosophy adopted by workers, whereby workers will spend their entire working life working in one industry, and, in many cases, one organization. This philosophy has in recent times, coinciding with Generation Y entering the workforce, been replaced by a more uncertain career structure, with employees frequently changing employers within their industry and many also pursuing work in different industries (Inkson, Anhur, and Pringle, 1999). Morton (2002) stated that Generation Y employees show a tendency towards valuing equality in the workplace and they seek positions that offer reasonable wages and good opportunities for training. Morton (2002) also claimed that they respect managers who empower workers and who are open and honest with employees. Martin (2005), who calls this generation Yers, describes eight main characteristics shown by Generation Y towards their careers. These eight characteristics include the Generation Y employee being self-reliant and independent, technosavvy, entrepreneurial, seeking flexibility, having an urgent sense of immediacy, wanting increasing responsibility, having a get off my back attitude and adopting a free agency attitude. Oliver (2006) claims that recent interest in the Generation Y worker has intensified in recent years, and while generalizations are plentiful, he claims that the Generation Y worker is uninterested in a job for life, instead seeking flexibility and work-life balance. Oliver (2006) states that, overall, Generation Y workers are seen to have much higher expectations of a job than previous generations, including high expectations of pay, conditions, promotion and advancement. A study conducted by Kusluvan and Kusluvan (2000) found that some of the factors that seemed to account for the negative attitudes towards careers in tourism, formed after students had undertaken a practical work assignment, are stressful jobs, lack of family life owing to the nature of the work, long working hours, exhausting and seasonal (unstable) jobs, low social status of tourism jobs, unsatisfactory and unfair promotions, low pay and insufficient benefits, unqualified managers, poor attitudes and behavior of managers towards employees, unqualified coworkers and poor attitudes and behavior of coworkers and poor physical working conditions for employees. Subjective Norms Subjective Norms is the degree to which someone wants to conform to others behavior or expectations. Usually, others are individuals (family and friends) whose preferences on a subject matter are important to him or her. This concept was introduced into theory of planned behavior to accommodate the non volitional elements inherent, at least potentially, in all behaviors (Ajzen, 2002). Although schools, peers and the students community all have an impact on the young adults self- identity and career choice, the parents expectations and perceptions of vocational fit for their children have been found to be the key roles in shaping their career choices (Ferry, 2006). In one study (Creamer and Laughlin, 2005), this influence has been so strong as to override the influence of teachers, faculty, and career field in question but were not as well- known and or trusted as to students parents for this type of decision. In an era where 49% of UK workers report that balancing work and family responsibilities is an issue of significant concern to them (IP Morgan Fleming, 2003), the influence of family and personal life and career decisions is receiving increasing amounts of media attention. Todays business school graduates are looking for a work style to go with their lifestyle, claims the HR consultancy Hay Group (The Economist, 2006). Generation X and Generation Y workers who are younger than 40, are more likely than boomers to say they put family before jobs, says an article in USA Today (Elias, 2004). Todays younger employees are working to live rather than living to work, states a newspaper manager in the journalism newsletter Fusion (Williamson, 2006). Perceived Behavioral Control Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) refers to a persons perception of the ease or difficulty of performing a particular behavior. According to Ajzen (2002), PBC is used to deal with situations where people do not have complete volitional control (i.e. external influences) over the particular behavior in question. An employees perception to any industry will, no doubt, be determined by their commitment, perceptions, attitudes towards working in the industry as well as the types of jobs available in the industry. It is argued that this is particularly pertinent to tourism and hospitality as it has been reported that potential recruits have a negative image of working in the industry (Aksu and Koksal, 2005; Brien, 2004; Getz, 1994, Kuslavan and Kuslavan, 2000). Several researchers have also studied the perceptions of undergraduate tourism and hospitality management students. Barron and Maxwell (1993) examined the perceptions of new and continuing students at Scottish higher education institutions. They found that in general the new students had positive images of the industry, whereas the students with supervised work experience were much less positive in their views. Baron and Maxwell (19930 found significant differences between the new students perceptions of the industry compared with the students who had undertaken their industry placement. The marked differences in the perceptions of new students compared with those post placement students and graduates lie in the difference between perception and experience in the industry. West and Jameson (1990) agree and claim that the more exposure hospitality students have to the industry, the less commitment they show. 2.5 Behavioral Intention Intention is an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; in the words of Ajzen, an indication of how hard people are willing to try, of how much effort they are willing to exert in order to perform the behavior. Therefore, the stronger the intention to engage in a behavior, the more likely should be its performance. (p. 181) TPB states that people act in accordance with their intentions and perceptions of control over their behavior, while intentions are influenced by attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms and perceptions of behavioral control (Ajzen, 1985). Behavior Hsing (2002) defined behavior as the performance of an action at a certain time, in a certain context and with a certain purpose. Generally, the more favorable the attitude and subjective norm with respect to a behavior and the greater the perceived behavioral control; the stronger an individuals intention should be to perform the behavior under consideration (Ajzen, 1991). However based on varying behaviors and situation, the relative importance of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control is expected to be different. 2.6 Indicators of Behavioral Intention For the TPB to predict behaviour successfully or for maximum prediction, intention must be measured as closely as possible in time to the observation of the behaviour. The longer the interval between measurement of intention and behaviour, the greater the likelihood that an unforeseen event will occur that will lead to changes in intention and be less predictive of actual behaviour. Nevertheless, this study is not working on actual behaviour, but rather on attitudes and beliefs about the behaviour of choosing a particular career. 2.6.0 Indicators of Attitude towards behavior Thus, to measure student attitudes toward behaviour, which in this context meant choosing the programme and direction, or intention to seek a career in hospitality, questions were constructed in such a way so as to shed light on the attitude and beliefs of the undergraduates: I expect this course will only qualify me to do a specialised job in the hospitality industry I am still keen to work in the industry as when I first chose this training programme I am very satisfied with my choice of a career in hospitality I am committed to a career in hospitality 2.6.1 Indicators of Subjective Norms A second major predictor of intention in this study is the influence of important people in an individual students life as encouragement and support to perform the behaviour intention. Subjective Norm refers to a favourable or unfavourable student perception of social pressure and the relative importance of different sources of social influence on their intention (decision) to choose a programme and hospitality career. Such social influence might come from immediate family members, peers and friends, teachers and other individual and groups. As stated by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) an individual will perform or operationalise their behaviours that they perceive as favoured by other people who are important to them. In the present study, there were items used to obtain a direct measure of students perception of significant others and the degree to which they influenced the decision to take a tourism management course. Questions which relate to parents, friends, brothers and sisters and school teachers were constructed to indicate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with such statements. Such questions were: My parents encouraged me to study hospitality My school teachers and counsellors encouraged me to study hospitality My brothers / sisters encouraged me to study hospitality However, according to Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) any relationship between the respondents and the referent (s) will be more or less stable over time. To assess the actual career influencer parallel to those of the students intention, an open ended question was asked: Who was the most influential individual who influenced your choice of a hospitality career? 2.7 Empirical Evidence 2.8 Conclusion